Saturday, July 11, 2009

laura & rick

There is a saying in buffalo that says: "if you are not happy with the weather, wait another minute", this day was a testament of how true that saying is! The day started out with torrential downpours and horrible lightning but as soon as the ceremony finished the clouds parted leaving a beautiful day for Laura and Rick. Laura was just stunning and Rick had the greenest eyes I have ever seen! The two of them were so easy to photograph and I shot a ton! We had a long break in between the ceremony and reception so we were able to hit up the Albright Knox, Historical Museum and the Japanese Gardens! Here is a small glimpse of that day! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my God! I love them! Tears welling up and my heart up in my throat. How simply beautiful your love is for each other. I love you both, luv u momma